Meet Theresa…the heart behind ‘Destiny’, our new Cloetesville, Stellenbosch project.
Theresa started looking after some local children a few years ago. They came to her house every afternoon after school for help with their homework, a plate of home cooked food and to spend time with their friends in a safe space.
Cloetesville is an area known for its drug abuse and gangster violence and for most of these children Theresa’s backyard and kitchen became their only safe haven.
We have taken Theresa and her ‘children’ under our Joya Homes umbrella to support her to grow the project to be able to continue giving these children a secure environment with educational support in the afternoons. We have already appointed a qualified teacher to help the children with their schoolwork and to also identify any specific needs that the children may have.
“Somehow God’s destiny comes in to motion.These children end up with you and you end up with them. It is something quite sacred.”